Friday, October 31, 2008

Counter Strike Anti Cheat at Get Gosu

Here is a snippet scooped out of a Get Gosu chat channel.

brockj is explaining some of Gosu's anti-cheat policy. It looks like a community driven solution. That means not such a dependence on "anti-cheat clients" that don't work or are tedious to use. IMO this is the way to go. I'll post the full policy as soon as I can.




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Overlord: oops, i went to another page and missed your question (s)
brockj: hi
Overlord: what was your question?
Equalization: how does the anti-cheat work, is it like cal where it takes random ss ?
brockj: no
brockj: random ss is stupid ^^
Equalization: tru lol
brockj: it really slows down your system
brockj: so we are doing a bunch of things for anti-cheat
Equalization: cool
brockj: 1 vac2 and z-block (naturally)
Equalization: cuz the last time i played tournament , it had a horrible anti-cheat
Equalization: it depended on people recording demos
brockj: z-block is great b/c it is built by the community and updated by the community.
brockj: we don't depend on client demos either, because they can't be verified (they can be doctored by the client)
Equalization: true
Equalization: yea
brockj: so only demo we would look at is the master demo (hltv) that is kept server side
brockj: i think this will be a common faq question, so i will add this to the faq after we talk ^^]
Equalization: lol sorry for the long reply i was playing source
Equalization: ol
Equalization: nice
brockj: basically we are making a policy that means the community will self police
brockj: this is 1. highlighted by our use of z-block
Equalization: nice
brockj: 2. at get gosu you form your team and then join a tournament
brockj: so you know who you are playing with
Equalization: yea
Equalization: well gotta find a new team
Equalization: lol
brockj: yeah
brockj: so, our policy basically is to make it so that you will want to encourage your teammates not to cheat
brockj: 1 sec, let me add it to the faq
brockj: so you can read it

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